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Aashiq Abu’s Reply To Those Who Made Fun Of Him

Aashiq Abu’s Reply To Those Who Made Fun Of Him ImageDirector Aashiq Abu is once again a topic for a controversy. But if you expect this is something related to his movies, then you are wrong. Here Aashiq is replying to those who raised words against him on the recent tribal protest. Aashiq was one among the celebrities who were present at the venue in aid of the protestors. But many Medias came against those who were present there, including Aashiq.

Now Aashiq has given his part that he doesn’t have any hard feeling towards those who quoted against him but criticized that they just showed their mental weakness. Aashiq adds that he is always in support of such issues from his school times and will do the same in the future irrespective of any criticism from the media. He concluded that authorities weren’t in a mood to listen to their grievances and that’s why we went to their support.